Contract Staffing

Data Blending
  • Spirale HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd. provides qualified people you need, when you need them and only for as long as you need them. We hire candidates matching the employer’s business needs on our payroll. We pay them regular salaries with statutory benefits and handle all the legal compliances and government regulations. The client organisation just receives a single invoice every month for outsourced contract staffing services. We also Contract employees hired by client’s directly or through other vendors or transitioned from the client’s payroll. All contracts with the client are for a fixed duration (generally 3 months to a year) and can be renewed multiple times.

Temporary Staffing

  • Spirale HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd. provide staff for short time periods in order to enable our client’s you to cope with extra work loads, temporary replacements for people on leave, peak workloads in Front office, support administration, accounting and Customer service ,Sales etc.

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